Traditional Craftsman Cottage House Plans

Cottage House Plans With Photos

Craftsman cottage house plans – Craftsman house is an american classic house that was firstly popular in early 1900’s. Craftsman house offers simplicity, and also natural appealing with wood and natural trim. This type of home were an original concept of housing for those lucky enough to be able to afford to build a new house. The house, at the era, was owned by rich people. However, these days, we can also bring this type of home into modernity.

If you are going to build a craftsman house,  you also need to make the craftsman cottage house plans. First of all, you should recognize many features of craftsman house. It is a traditional house which was very popular for a century. It offers aesthetic and environtment. You also need to think for its design interior and exterior. The exterior is usually with lawn or shrub landscaping.

Craftsman cottage house plans should be able to attract people’s attraction to the house. Its center of the house will be the hearth, and you should have careful thought for it. By seeing the concept craftsman houseplan, sometime it reminds you of a pyramid. Of course it must be something airy, traditional and historical. It is is the characteristic of being american. The craftsman house plans should be able to exhibit a certain look or feel that reminds people of the old american concept of a family.